Envy's Harvest

My ongoing exploration of the Tall Poppy Syndrome has led me to a deep fascination with its effects over the years. It's an intriguing phenomenon that I've encountered often enough to compel me to delve further into the psychology behind it.

Tall Poppy Syndrome, for those unfamiliar with it, is the tendency for individuals to face resentment, criticism, or even outright attacks when they achieve success and recognition. It's a rather unfortunate aspect of human nature, and those who participate in this behavior often unknowingly harm themselves without realizing the consequences of their actions.

I often think back to a powerful analogy I once heard from a PR specialist, and it closely aligns with my personal experiences with this phenomenon. Imagine a social media post with its accompanying comment thread. You'll find numerous positive and encouraging comments that motivate and inspire, much like a refreshing breeze on a hot day. In contrast, negative comments act like trolls lurking in dark, noxious caves, seeking to drag others down. Engaging with these trolls only serves to bring us down into their dark pit of negativity, while ignoring them leaves us free from their influence. On the flip side, positive comments uplift us and join us on our journey with a positive mindset.

With this concept in mind, my artwork seeks to explore the detrimental impact of these 'poppy choppers' on their surroundings. Picture a desolate, arid desert, where the earth itself seems to wither under the relentless sun. Amidst this harsh environment stands the last resolute tall poppy, a singular beacon of vitality. The surrounding landscape slowly succumbs to the unyielding forces of nature, yet this tall poppy remains steadfast, unfurling its emerald canopy to bestow sanctuary upon two delicate, life-loving lilies that thrive beneath its protective embrace.

As time unfolds, the march of days draws closer to the inevitable moment when this solitary poppy shall bow. Once it yields, there will be no refuge from the unrelenting sun and the unforgiving forces of nature. Yet, in their relentless quest to sever its growth, the poppy choppers forge on, heedless of the profound consequences that their actions may one day visit upon the world.

William Higginson